Trauma and post-traumatic stress counselling


Traumatic incidences have a biological and spiritual effect on a person. God created us to heal spontaneously. Therefore the saying – time heals everything. With time, physical as well as emotional/spiritual wounds heal by themselves. But sometimes there is a blockage that hinders the spontaneous healing proses and you need to get help. With physical injuries, you go to a doctor. In case of spiritual and/or emotional blockages, a pastoral counsellor can facilitate the healing proses.


In John 10:10b Jesus says: “I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance”. That’s how it should be! That’s how it could be! I am qualified to support you to identify and remove obstacles that are hindering your healing so that the healing process can be completed as soon as possible.

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Individual (1 session), Individual (6 sessions), Couple (1 session)